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Counseling and Guidance

Thank you for your continued support of your student and their educational journey. Each student is supported at DES to promote their academic, social, and emotional growth. The mission of the DES counseling program is to prepare every student for the social, emotional, academic, and career challenges and opportunities that may arise in the present and future. 

Within this website, whether you are a teacher, student, or a parent, there's a place for you! My hope is that this site will provide you with an array of information and resources that you may need. You can find monthly counseling newsletters, social/emotional, academic, career, and community resources, DES's comprehensive school counseling plan, and more. 

What is SEL and Why SEL Matters?


Direct Student Services:

  • Instruction 
  • Appraisal and Advisement

  • Counseling

    • Individual and small group

    • Short term counseling

Indirect Student Services:

  • Consultation

  • Collaboration

  • Referrals