Comprehensive School Counseling Plan
DeArmanville Elementary School counseling serves approximately 470 students in Pre-K through 4th grade. The school counselor works to implement the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) model when developing a holistic approach with students. The school counselor is certified by the state of Alabama, holds membership to local, state, and national associations and attends professional development in related fields regularly. The school counselors work in agreement with school and district administration to follow ethical standards defined by ASCA. DeArmanville Elementary School counseling provides monthly lessons, individual planning, responsive services, and system support.
Beliefs of DeArmanville Elementary School Counseling
Every student has the ability to learn and be successful.
Every student should have the access and opportunity for a high-quality education which prepares the student upon high school graduation for lifelong learning and postsecondary opportunities.
Every student should be provided with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary for success in a systematic and developmentally appropriate counseling and guidance program.
Every student should be provided with a student-centered and data-informed counseling and guidance program that promotes and enhances student academic, career, and social/emotional outcomes.
School counselors are leaders within the school, school district, state, and nation, and are advocates and agents of change. School counselors collaborative with all stakeholders to empower students to reach their highest level as a productive successful citizen.
Vision Statement
The vision of the school counseling department at DeArmanville Elementary is that all students use their ability to handle present and future challenges and opportunities, whether social, emotional, academic, or career-related. DES students are productive, successful citizens who positively impact their communities in a compassionate, knowledgeable, and resilient way.
Mission Statement
The mission of DeArmanville Elementary's school counseling program is to prepare every student for the social, emotional, academic, and career challenges and opportunities that may arise in the present or future. Through the school counselor's leadership, students have equal access to culturally-sustaining instruction, appraisal and advisement, and appropriate counseling services that work to introduce, develop, and strengthen a student's learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills. In providing this support, the DES school counseling program and school counselor aim to positively contribute to each student's belief in one's self; self of acceptance, respect, support, and inclusion; positive attitude toward work and learning; self-confidence in their ability to succeed; belief in using one's abilities to the fullest, and understanding that education and life-long learning are necessary for long-term success. The school counselor works to advocate for equity, access, and success for each student at DeArmanville and collaborate with all stakeholders to empower students to reach their highest level as productive, successful citizens.
In striving to main accountability, DES School Counseling program sets two goals that are specific to meeting the needs of the students each school year. As aligned with the ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs and the Alabama Counseling and Guidance Model for Public Schools, the model provides all the essential elements for developing programs to help our students achieve success in school. The school counselor completes a data profile yearly to gather and access the school's students' attendance, behavior, and achievement. This information helped us create the following goals:
- By December 2023, 25 of K-4th grade students (with 5 or more absences during the first 7 weeks of the 2023-2024 school year) will decrease the total amount of absences by 25% from 170 to 127.
- By April 2024, the number of males with discipline incidents in 22/23 will decrease the amount of discipline referrals by 25% from 35-26.
Program Structural Components
Counseling Advisory Committee
DeArmanville Elementary School has a counseling and guidance advisory committee to advise and assist with the development and implementation of the comprehensive counseling and guidance program. The committee helps identify student needs and provides program support. The committee is composed of all interested parties of the comprehensive counseling and guidance program: students, parents/guardians, teachers, administrators, and community resource persons, The committee meets at least twice a year.
The school counselor is responsible for the development of a monthly planned calendar including direct and indirect services plus program planning. The counselor conducts several weekly calendars throughout the school year to demonstrate how time is spent. The use of time calculator is also used to provide information about how the counselor spends time.
The counselor purchases resources needed for classroom, individual, and small group counseling. These resources include books, games, brochures, lesson plans, sensory/fidget items, etc.
The counselor is given a budget each year to use to purchase resources needed to meet students' needs. The budget is made up of money from the State Department.
The school counselor is provided a private office for confidential conversations, a phone to call parents, office supplies, and a computer
Program Delivery Components
School Counseling Curriculum
The school counselor implements a comprehensive school counseling curriculum based on student assessments and appraisal information.
The school counselor creates an annual calendar which includes counseling curriculum sessions, school events, small groups, etc.
The school counselor engages in counseling with students in classroom group counseling activities and small group counseling activities designed to teach the competencies identified in the three domains: academic, career, and social/emotional development. These activities are intended to enhance the instructional program/curriculum and focus on increasing student achievement in all students.
The small group activities encourage responsible behavior and academic achievement in all participating students.
The school counselor develops and presents character education lessons during morning assembly.
The counselor attends and provides information at Parent Nights, Student Led Conferences, Open House, meets with parents when requested, and provides data resources to support the student at home and in school.
The counselors use computer technology programs to collaborate and learn through professional development.
Individual Planning
The school counselor works one-on-one with students to improve quality of relationships, academic planning, and social development.
The school counselor assists in interpreting student data.
The school counselor supports students in transitioning from DES to CEH.
Responsive Services
The DES School Counselor is focused on providing a proactive approach to reduce the need for responsive services. Responsive services may include student mediation, parent conferencing, crisis intervention, or social support. All students receive prevention education which address life choices in academic, social, and career development.
The school counselor orients parents, staff and community to the school counseling program.
The school counselor serves on the Problem Solving team (PST) to assist in behavior and academic intervention plans.
The school counselor works with students who are experiencing long-term behavior and academic needs by teaching and practicing conflict resolution and study skills.
The school counselor works with students who have a crisis arise in their home and/or school lives.
The school counselor conducts small group sessions with students who are experiencing difficulty with anger, friendship, divorce, loss of a loved one.
The school counselor helps parents find community resources, as needed.
The school counselor works with staff and parents in the area of intervention.
The school counselor serves on the school PST committee, Crisis Protocol team, Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) team, and Foundations and CHAMPS (PBIS) team.
System Support
The school counselor is an active member of supporting the positive and unique school climate and culture. As a member of the DES school family, the counselor helps to support the efforts of stakeholders and work to implement programs that are in the best interest of each child.
The school counselor meets with the PST team monthly to discuss and plan for helping students who are experiencing some type of difficulty in reading, math, and/or behavior.
The school counselor leads and participates in the school’s Foundations and CHAMPS team to support positive student behavior.
The school counselor meets with the Counseling Advisory Council at least twice per year to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the counseling program.
The school counselor collaborates with teachers, parents, administrators, and other resources in developing 504 plans and behavior modification plans.
The school counselor attends local, state, and national workshops, seminars, and conferences.
The school counselor presents at and attends faculty meetings and in-service training.
The school counselor creates and presents a character education program during morning assembly each week.
The school counselor trains, models, and supports teachers and students in using Calm Classroom mindfulness techniques.
The school counselor coordinates and distributes the Blessings in a Backpack program.
Counselor’s Use of Time
The school counselor follows the guidelines for their use of time according to the Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance Model for Alabama Public Schools and spends 80% in direct and indirect services. ASCA and the Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance Model for Alabama Public Schools recommends that school counselors spend at least 80% of their time in direct and indirect services to students. School counselors’ duties are focused on the overall delivery of the school counseling program - direct and indirect student services and program management and school support. The counselor conducts several weekly calendars throughout the school year to demonstrate how time is spent. The use of time calculator is also used to provide information about how the counselor spends time.
Accountability/Assess Component
Program Accountability
The school counselor must evaluate and monitor the counseling program and its implementation on a continuous basis. Classroom lessons are taught based on Alabama Standards Scope and Sequence/Attitudes and Essential Skills. Students are evaluated based on pre and post assessment to ensure understanding of concepts. The school counselor uses the results of evaluation to determine changes needed for program improvements. Needs assessments and counseling advisory council provide feedback and suggestions on next steps that will benefit the students and stakeholders. The school counselor ensures that students have equal access to all program components. The school counselor conducts research that is useful to the program and school including needs assessments, follow-up studies, and data analysis.
Program Audit
The program audit is used to assess the school counseling program’s alignment with the Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance State Model for Alabama Public Schools and the ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs. An audit is a checklist that helps define the current status of the school counseling program. The primary purpose for collecting this information is to guide future actions within the program and to improve future results for students. Program audits are first performed when a school counseling program is being designed and then annually to appraise the progress of program development. Program implementation and results findings allow strengths and weaknesses to be recognized, and the program needs to be determined for the following school year.